Introduction 1
Opportunities and challenges of Globalization 3
Globalization is changing the international business environment. 5
Globalisation and effects on trade 8
Conclusion 8
References: 8
Globalisation is not merely one kind of the social phenomenon; however it also has the requirement of the past development. The science and technological development is the main purpose for the globalisation. From the 20th century, more companies with the latest technology has appeared with advanced computer technologies, communication and information technology, microelectronic technologies, advanced material technologies, transportation strategy and latest space technology (Acemoglu, 2002). Globalisation has been fastened the flow of the information, flow of the multi-commodity and the world has been changed into the “global village”. Hence globalisation has diminished the time space among the nations and people and has provided a foundation with solid material. The contradiction among the surpluses commodity, surplus of capital, lack of resources, advanced technology, cheaper labour force and market is the internal inspiration of globalisation (A G Hopkins, 2012). From the 20th century, the global trend of the worldwide economy has been developing gradually. Generally the global economy has experienced various stages comprising the internationalisation of the commodity, internationalisation capital and the internationalisation of production. Economic globalisation has been increasing the process of development of the global economy. Multinational company is the major exhibition of the economic globalisation, as the developed economies has stronger capital and technical resources and ample extra commodity, as they are required to the capital, export commodity and technology (Anderson, E, 2005). Even though this type of the exportation has stimulated the economy development, society, technology in the importing economy, and the
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