“Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.” This process effects in verities of ways which are environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world. People are communicating around the world to share each other’s culture through transportation, travel and trade of goods in hours or days. Globalization is the course that the world is increasingly becoming connected with each other as a result of the huge increase in trade and cultural exchanges.
Production of goods and services are hugely increasing every country because of globalisation. The process of globalization is not only the opening of world trade, development of communication advanced, the financial markets of internationalization, the growth of MNC’s, movement of population and mobility of people increased, goods, data, capital and ideas but infections, pollution and diseases (Guy Brainbant,2012). Nowadays, most of the largest companies are not only at national but multinational companies with subsidiaries in most countries.
In developed countries, globalisation is helping more to create wealthy and greater access to developed countries markets and technology improved higher living standards and productivity. People are in a vast global economy in which something happens in one area can have a domino effect around the world. The developed countries of globalization are to get organizations with lower producing costs, services and consumers, and a larger amount of products. By opening up new markets and access to new raw materials and resources are to create and development of new investment opportunities. Many companies are getting bigger and stronger because of globalisation. They are taking advantages