BASIC DANCE STEPS IN 2/4 TIME SIGNATURE Dance Step | Step Pattern | A.Ct. 1 2 = M | | 1. Touch step | Point, close | 2. Bleking step | Heel, place, close | 3. Close step | Step, close | 4. Hop step | Step, hop | 5. Slide step | Slide, close | 6. Cross step | Step, cross or Cross, step | B.Ct. 1 and 2 =1M | | 1. Change step | Step, close, step | 2. Cross and change step | Cross-step, close, step | 3. Contraganza | Leap, cross-step, step | C. Ct. 1 2 and = 1M | | 1. Habanera step | Step, close, step | D.Ct. and 1 and 2= 1M | | 1. plain polka | Raise-step, close, step | 2. Hop polka | Hop-step, close, step | E. Ct. 1 2 1 and 2 = 2M | | 1. Heel and toe change | Heel-place, toe-point, raise-step, close, step | F. Ct. 1 and 2 (do as many times as desired) | | 1. Mincing step | With heels raise, take as many steps as desired | 2. Shuffling step | With both feet flat on the floor, take tiny slide steps | 3. Chasing steps | With one foot leading, take successive close steps to any direction |
Dance Steps | Step Pattern | A. ct. 1-2 3 = 1M | | 1. Touch step | Point, close | 2. Bleking step | Heel, place, close | 3. Close step | Step, close | 4. Hop step | Step, hop | 5. Slide step | Slide, close | 6. Cross step | Step, cross or Cross, step | 7. Step-swing | Step, swing | 8. Step-swing hop | Step-swing, hop | 9. Step-brush-swing-hop | Step, brush-swing, hop | B. Ct. 1 2 3= 1M | | 1. Native waltz | Step, close, step | 2. Cross waltz | Cross-step, close, close | 3. Mazurka | Step, close-heels raise, heels-down | 4. Redoba | Slide, cut, hop | C. ct. 1-2 3 1 2-3 | | 1. Sway balance with a point | Step, cross-step, step, point | 2. Sway balance with a raise | Step, cross-step, step, raise | 3. Sway balance with a brush | Step, cross-step, step, brush | 4. Sway balance with a hop | Step, cross-step, step,