September 12, 2013
Topic: Glossophobia
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about Glossophobia and how to overcome it.
Central Idea: Today I want to share what a Glossophobia is, what are the causes and symptoms, how can affect your life and how can you overcome it
How many of you have fear to speak in public? How many of you had bad grades on a presentation because of the fear of speaking in public? Well, most of us have this problem. Today I’m going to talk about what is the fear of public speaking, where this fear comes from and how to overcome it.
I. According to, Glossophobia is the technical term given to a severe fear of public speaking or speech anxiety. It can be related with social phobia and stage fright.
A. Glossophobia can be caused by many events.
1. Traumatic events from the past
2. Result of a low self-esteem or non-confidence
3. Social Anxiety
B. Glossophobia have many symptoms that can be grouped under three categories.
1. Verbal
2. Non-Verbal
3. Physical
(Link: Second, why is Glossophobia an issue?)
II. Glossophobia according to is the most common fear and it can prevent people to achieve their potential.
A. You know your presentation from the beginning to the end but because of the fear you tend to fail.
B. Your grades may be affected because of fear.
C. It can be harmful in the future especially if work in areas that requires you to make presentations
(Link: Finally, how can you overcome Glossophobia or fear of public speaks?)
III. There are several things you can do to overcome your fear of public speaking.
A. Know what you are going to talk about, who you will speak to, and under what
Cited: • , Rachael Taft and Hafsa Ali, April 2007 • • •