Year 1 Case Study: Fear of Public Speaking
1. Abstract
2. Introduction and Initial Consultation
3. Diagnosis
4. Treatment Plan
5. Session Content
6. End of Treatment and Results
7. Limits and Flaws
8. Conclusion
9. Attachments
1. Abstract
H is a 27 year old female who generally describes herself as bubbly and very sociable. She was prescribed antidepressants when she was 18 and was experiencing some difficulties when moved away from home (she returned to her family home after a year). She was on mild antidepressants for most of her adult life, her mood problems worsening whenever she tried to move away from home. H decided do come off the medication two years ago, when she met her partner and found a new job.
2. Introduction and Initial consultation
H is now in a steady relationship and staying off the medication. In her new job she has taken on more responsibilities as she has learnt about the role, and is now in charge of sales unit, which means she often has to present new products in front of colleagues and …show more content…
H felt that she put a lot of pressure on herself trying to organise the event and deliver the speech. She wanted to ask someone else to do the speech on her behalf but was worried that she would disappoint her boyfriend. I asked H to imagine the reverse situation when her boyfriend was planning on doing something that caused him a certain amount of anxiety to please H. I asked H how she would feel about that. She said she wouldn’t want to put anyone she loves in this king of position. I then asked H to relax and to enter the hypnotic state (I used Eye Fixation induction). Once I was sure that H was hypnotised, I suggested that she is loved by people close to her and that they would want her to be happy and relaxed. H was asked to bring up the positive feelings associated with the information he would be presenting to his group during a public