Frequency Distribution:
Location Frequency
Urban 21
Suburban 15
Rural 14
As the Pie Chart above shows the majority of the customers comes from the rual areas totaling 42%
The Second will be the size chart. This will measure tendency, variation, mean, median and mode.
Descriptive Statistics:
Mean 3.42
Standard Error 0.24593014
Median 3
Mode 2
Standard Deviation 1.73898868
Sample Variance 3.02408163
Kurtosis -0.7228086
Skewness 0.52789598
Range 6
Minimum 1
Maximum 7
Sum 171
Count 50
Frequency Distribution:
Size Frequency
1 5
2 15
3 8
4 9
5 5
6 5
7 3
The mean household size of the customers is given as 3.42. The median of the data is 3 and the mode is 2. The standard deviation is given approximately as 1.74. Maximum number of customers has a household size of 2 as is evident from the frequency distribution and the bar graph.
The Third chart is over credit Balance.
Descriptive Statistics:
Credit Balance($)
Mean 3964.06
Standard Error 132.0159991
Median 4090
Mode 3890
Standard Deviation 933.4940816
Sample Variance 871411.2004
Kurtosis -0.741830067
Skewness -0.129506489
Range 3814
Minimum 1864
Maximum 5678
Sum 198203
Count 50
Relative Frequency Distribution:
Credit Balance ($) Frequency Relative Frequency
1500 - 2000 1 0.02
2000 - 2500 2 0.04
2500 - 3000 6 0.12
3000 - 3500 6 0.12
3500 - 4000 8 0.16
4000 - 4500 12 0.24
4500 - 5000 7 0.14
5000 - 5500 6 0.12
5500 - 6000 2 0.04
The mean credit balance of the customers is given as $3964.06. The standard deviation is 933.49. The credit balance of the customers is more of the bell shaped distribution lying in the range $4000 - $4500. This is where your most customers with a credit balance will lie. At the top of the peak.
The relationship between the variables Income and Size
There is no definite relationship or association between the two