In the article, “What are GMO’s?” Debbie Slutzky conveys a message that states the genetic engineering done foods are very harmful to our health. Also known as genetic engineering, genetically modifying organisms consists of taking the genes from one organism and injecting those genes into another unrelated organism. For example, Slutzky stated, “Genes from fish which has an anti-freezing property may be spliced into a tomato to prevent frost damage.” This genetic science has been used in many different plants for food in the past forty years. Three-fourths of all processed foods are considered GMO’s. There are some dangers to eating these common table foods, or genetically modified foods. Many experience allergic reactions, immunity weakens, trouble getting pregnant, faster aging and changes in major organ systems. On a daily basis, we eat genetically modified foods. Have you ever ate something and soon after, experienced a horrible and disgusting feeling? Have you ever wondered why some foods stay fresh for abnormal amounts of time? Do we fully know the effects of these foods? Why do these foods produce in such large amounts? Why are certain vegetables like corn getting cheaper and cheaper each season? Is it because of the availability of this “steroid” crop? Is this engineering going against the natural laws of Earth? Although there are very limited benefits to G.M.O.’s, I believe that the bad outweigh the good. Genetically modified foods attribute to human sickness, “power surge” our crops, and they disrupt the natural order in which foods grow.
At the current moment, you have at least one genetically modified food in your household. Genetic engineering is found in most processed foods. Most of these foods do not require any safety or regulation guidelines from the FDA. For example, Micro-RNA (rice ribonucleic acid) can be very harmful to our health. Studies have found that RNA can cause such diseases as diabetes and cancer.