and it’s unnatural that genetically modified organisms are in the food we eat. Monsanto the corporations of Round Up weed spray, created Round Up Ready soybean in 1996. In 1996 2% of the soybeans contained their patented gene, by 2008 over 96%.(Hindo) Monsanto created the Round Up soybean due to their weed spray that was killing the farmers produce, therefore they created a bean that would not die when it was sprayed.(Kenner) Most farmers use Monsanto’s soybeans but there are few that don’t use them. The farmers that don’t use their beans are on a list called the black list.(Kenner) The ones that are on this list are hunted down and followed by Monsanto spies. The company gets the farmer’s neighbors to buy the soybeans so the wind will blow the beans into the farmers land, then Monsanto would send someone out from their company and test that farmers land. If the farmer had Monsanto beans then they would sue that farmer for having planted Monsanto soybeans that were unpaid for.(Kenner) When Monsanto sues the innocent farmers to the point where it is cheaper for the farmer to just give in then follow through with the lawsuit. On December 5th, Monsanto’s shares close at 104.81, then rose more than 100% during Grant’s tensure. 58.6% of the company’s price-to-earnings ratios about two points higher than Google’s. A little less than 5 years later, Monsanto’s thriving St. Luis company’s net income leaped 44% to 993 million dollars on 8.5 billion income revenue. During their twelve month preceding Grant’s elevation, Monsanto’s stock price fell nearly 50%. In 2002 the prior fiscal year, the company lost 1.7 billion dollars. Monsanto gets 60% of its revenue from biotech seeds, in contrast to about 20% at Syngenta and less than 10% at diverse chemicals company dow.(Hindo) Not only is it that the United States that have GMOs but it’s Brazil, Argentina, China, and India as well.
Brazil, Argentina, China, and India have increased GM crop planting, therefore it’s not only the United States that has been affected by the horrible GMOs but now they are slowly making their way around the world. (Gene Gennies) The world today is slowly becoming unhealthy, one country at a time. Five years ago China, India, and Brazil planted virtually no GMOs(Hindo), Gene Gennies stated that they have increased their GM crop planting. Therefore the impression given is that what is the GMO companies aren’t giving the same answers, so how does the public know what is true and what isn’t? The answer? Simple we really …show more content…
don’t. The companies are so powerful that they tell us what they want us to know. If the companies in Brazil planted virtually no GMOs(Hindo) then why can Brazil barely build roads fast enough to get all of its biotech soybeans from the fertile interior Mato Grasso state out to ports. Meanwhile China and India planted over more than 17 million acres of biotech crops that year.(Hindo) There are six large GMO planting nations in the world that are measured by area and Brazil, China, and India are three nations that are on that list (Hindo), although the United States is the largest GMO farmer with 66.8 million more than 2009. (Young) In 2008 a total of 23 countries now growing GM varieties, on a total land area of 114 million hectares with GM soy, maize, and cotton accounting for 95% of the land used for GM cultivation. (Gene Gennies) GMOs are in some opinions unhealthy because they aren’t natural. They are considered sickening, inhumane, and processed poison. The biotech crops have been linked to infertility, food allergies, liver damage, cancer, antibiotic resistance, and gastrointestinal problems. If these dangers are linked to these genetically modified organisms, than why in the world is it in our food systems? It shouldn’t be in our food at all. The food allergies in children jumped 18% from 1997-2007 from them eating GMO soybeans. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine found GMOs also cause immune system problems, accelerated aging, disruption of insulin, cholesterol regulation, and organ damage.(Young) Many of our foods do contain GMOs, the main GMOs are soybeans, corn, canola, sugar beets, cotton, papaya, and squash.(Young) Also sweeteners made from corn, more than 80% of which is GMO, are likely to contain GMOs, but so is sugar which is usually a combo of sugar fro, sugar cane and sugar from GM sugar beet. The artificial sweeteners found in NutraSweet and Equal are GMOs.(Smith) Although what GMOs are also in are some vegetarian products such as Boca and Morning Star. Boca and Morning star have been contacted and Boca has refused to release the information about the use of GMOs and their products to the public, while Morning star has said that they do use GMOs in most of their products but not all. However not all vegetarian companies use GMOs such as Lightlife, Amy’s, Quorn, Gardien, and Tofurkey. These companies are also all green companies that disagree with the unnaturalness of the GMO system and go abouts in our food. GMOs are now so popular that they are practically everywhere we look.
They are in foods that we don’t even think that they would put an unnatural substance in. “It has been estimated that at least 75% of processed foods in the USA now contain GM ingredients” stated Gene Gennies in 2008. Gene Gennies also said “according to a recent report form the International service for the Acquisition of Agribrotect application. Cultivation of GM crops grew by 12% in 2007 the 12th successive year in which cultivation has increased.” In the USA the GM varieties now make up about 90% of the soy and 73% of the maize. (Gene Gennies) In the U.S more than half of the crops grown including all the soybeans and 70% of the corn are genetically modified organisms. (Hindo) In 2001 ABC News poll 93% think the government should require labling on all foods in our supermarkets and in 2011 CBS/NYT Blog 83% of consumers are bothered by GMOs and 89% want the GMOs
labled.(Smith) GMOs are drowning in the chemicals that are unknown to the public people. GMO companies have denied to give out the information on which chemicals are used on the GMOs, however some have been found out. The five most common GMO foods are genetically modified to either produce their own insecticide or to tolerate her bicides that kill other plants—or both.(Smith) GMOs are either detected by the trans gene DNA of GMO or they detect the expressed product of the trans gene usually a protein such as Bacillus thuringiersis (BT) toxin, commonly introduced into GM crops to make them resistant to the insect pests. (Gene Gennies) The chemicals used with GMOs are making crops resistant to pest, diseases, and herbicides, and reducing the need for chemical sprays. However they are using chemicals to reduce the need for chemical sprays. (Young) If they are using chemicals to reduce chemicals then that doesn’t work. Common sense is that if you use the same thing to do get rid of the same thing then you aren’t getting rid of it. You are either adding to it or just replacing. Therefore with them saying they are using chemicals to reduce chemicals is an absurd oxymoron. As an average American there isn’t many solutions one can do alone, but if every single American does these solutions, GMOs will reduce in our foods and we will gain or unchemicalized, known food, and natural food back that we use to eat. Some grocery stores sell limited GMO products such as Trader Joes and Whole Foods. While staying healthy may not be the easiest thing with fast food resturants on every corner in the U.S, the best thing an American can do is stay natural, eat non chemical foods, and know what is in the food. Doing these things are just little steps that turn into one huge step into ending these unnatural, saturated chemicalized, and unknown genetically modified organisms that are in our everyday diet.