Goals and Dreams
Completing your goals, achieving your dreams and securing your future, these are the most important things to fulfill. The quality of your future and your family’s future is the most valuable asset you have in life. I have decided to secure my future and my family’s. I have returned to school with dedication and an attitude that will ensure I complete my degree path, one of the most important paths to see through.
I’ve decide to return to school for many reasons. I want to provide my family with the best lifestyle I can. I want to have a job where I can take my family on vacation every other year. I want my wife to live with no stress about money and be able to buy herself a gift without the worry of bills. I desire my son to have all the experiences I had growing up. I want him to be able to play any sport, join any club, and go to summer camps. I am also going back to school, just for me. I see myself with a doctorates degree, maybe not in the next ten years, but by the time I’m ready to retire, and I’m ready to give back to others with the knowledge I’ve gained through my education. Returning to school is very important to me, regardless of any type of roadblocks.
I have been given the perfect opportunity for schooling now that I’m in the military. Before, I saw my education slipping away due to cost, and due to my long break after my high school graduation. I’m now in the situation where the military has given me a second chance by giving me free education. Although the school’s financial roadblock is out of the way, there are still others. My wife is going to school full time and not working and we have a son, making finances very tight. Free time is now becoming minimal with the military taking so much of it up. I also want to spend as much time with my family as possible. Work takes away from me being with my family, and school does the same, but for all will, there is a way. I know that returning to school is