1)Our-tells us that God loves us all equally,no matter what we do. When God addresses us he says,"You are my children." That means that even if one of us sin, He will still talk to us as our. We say,"You are our God,"because he is not only there for one of us,he is there for all of us. Our means together. Father-tells us that he loves and cares for us. God will be there in our times of trouble to help us. He will be there in our time of confusion to advise us. He will help us forgive. God is our Father,and we are his children. Father means helper. Our Father tells us that God will be our helper and that no matter how many mistakes we make,we will always be together. We will always be family,because God is Our Father.
2)Ways we fail to treat others as loving members of God's family is how we sometimes act or speak. Whether it's telling lies about other people, or making them feel like they don't belong. Brothers and sisters fight all the time, but forgive each other. If we do not forgive others as God forgives us, how are we treating them like family? If we tell them that God does not love them or tell them that we hope something bad happens to them using God's name, how is that making them feel loved? We fail sometimes, but we are always going to be family. That is how it will always