This was one of his most famous works in his life as a playwright, others included “Egmont” and “Iphigenie auf Tauris.” These were only some of the major achievements in his works as a playwright, but these were some of his most famous and talented works of art. This “fame” as some might call it, got him his status of being a very powerful and impacting being during the Enlightenment. His international standing equals those of the German supreme philosophers and composers. Both these supreme powers in Germany both made works from Goethe’s literary works, such as, philosophers have taken from his works and ideas, on the other hand though, composers did often make his works into compositions of music. He was a very impactful and compelling person in the time of the Enlightenment, with many achievements throughout his life, his adulthood and time in the Enlightenment was the biggest and best time of his
This was one of his most famous works in his life as a playwright, others included “Egmont” and “Iphigenie auf Tauris.” These were only some of the major achievements in his works as a playwright, but these were some of his most famous and talented works of art. This “fame” as some might call it, got him his status of being a very powerful and impacting being during the Enlightenment. His international standing equals those of the German supreme philosophers and composers. Both these supreme powers in Germany both made works from Goethe’s literary works, such as, philosophers have taken from his works and ideas, on the other hand though, composers did often make his works into compositions of music. He was a very impactful and compelling person in the time of the Enlightenment, with many achievements throughout his life, his adulthood and time in the Enlightenment was the biggest and best time of his