One benefit of going to college is you make more money. Studies show that people who graduate from college make a lot more money than those who graduate from high school with just a high school degree (Great Kids).You make a lot more money than people who do not go to college. People with a college degree make around $1,100 a week and someone with a high school diploma makes just $638 (Great Kids). When you go to college you get a better job.
Another benefit of going to college is that you will have a lot of fun. Every student
that goes to college will get to go to a party with all of your friends (College Crunch). You will have a lot of fun, if you don't drink or do bad things. You will get to live your own life and just have fun (College Crunch). You need to live the life you want to live.
On the other hand, some people believe that they don’t need to go to college, but I believe that they need to in order to live a better and happier life. The people that disagree with me are fine with getting a job at a gas station. In order to achieve your goals in life you need to go to college and get a degree in something.
Going to college has many benefits, like getting more money and having a lot of fun. It can prepare you for the future. When you go to college, you will get a better job rather than getting a job at a gas station.