Perhaps what makes a literary work different from any other pieces of writing is its capability of being approached from different viewpoints. Works of literature are potentially capable of providing sufficient material for a vast variety of interpretations. Robert Frost's poem, 'The Road not Taken', an early 20th century, modern poem replete with numerous multi-layered significations, is a perfect example. Deconstructive reading of this poem is only one among many possible approaches, and, in my idea, not the most inclusive one. All the approaches, due to their limitations, have some deficiencies: deconstructive reading of Frost's poem is, thus, inevitably defective. Since deconstructive approach is endeavoring to hunt the binary oppositions of the text in order to reverse them, it is likely to magnify the oppositions. Overstating the oppositions is exactly what the deconstructive reading of Frost's poem, written by D. M. Bowers suffers from; actually, it exaggerates the differences between the two roads to the point that they are rendered as absolute opposites. Whereas, I believe, the two roads are far from opposing each other:…