With no backstory, all we learn is that a monster, a child of Cain, murdered 30 men out of the blue and soon everyone knew what terror he could bring. A cruel monster with an unknown grudge, he spread fear and sorrow into the lord of the Shieldings and no was able to stop him besides Beowulf. A monster who could only do wrong, destroying and removing men from this plane of life needed to be put down. Anglo-Saxons wanted a creature with no ties to this world, giving him the title of evil, “God-cursed brute”(121), so they could remove him from this world. If it killed men and was unnatural they would kill anything if it fit the
With no backstory, all we learn is that a monster, a child of Cain, murdered 30 men out of the blue and soon everyone knew what terror he could bring. A cruel monster with an unknown grudge, he spread fear and sorrow into the lord of the Shieldings and no was able to stop him besides Beowulf. A monster who could only do wrong, destroying and removing men from this plane of life needed to be put down. Anglo-Saxons wanted a creature with no ties to this world, giving him the title of evil, “God-cursed brute”(121), so they could remove him from this world. If it killed men and was unnatural they would kill anything if it fit the