Cultural Globalization Is Americanized
1. Galeota, Julia. "Cultural Globalization Is Americanized." America's Global Influence. Ed. David Haugen and Susan Musser. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Cultural Imperialism: An American Tradition." The Humanist64 (May-June 2004): 22-25. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 3 Mar. 2013.
2. Summary: In “Cultural Globalization Is Americanized,” Julia Galeota argues that American culture and cultural product dominates the world and discusses how successful marketing campaign ensure that American trends. Moreover, she claims that not all country overwhelmed by American design homogenized global culture. No matter where you are you habitual need of American product and brands could be satisfied almost everywhere in the world. American products are very where, and this spreading American attitudes and value that what known as cultural imperialism. American culture is spreading through marketing because U.S. has world largest, most powerful controlling economy. Many U.S industries are successful because they are the U.S brands. The example of U.S film industry and McDonald is all over the world now and it’s really hard for foreign countries industry to compete with this strong U.S. industry. Author also mentioned how American Corporation use local culture to advertise their brand and she gave an example of Hollywood Stars how they used them to Advertise U.S. Product in India as such that how advertise to other culture.
Besides marketing, the main important factor is Media and Internet Outlet. People from all around the world get the explicit and implicit messages about the U.S. America have the world largest conglomerate which let people all around watch U.S media and get touch with U.S. culture. Internet also plays a big role on the U.S. cultural imperialism. People around the world access U.S. via internet and seek out important information and starts