America’s expansion into a country that is looked at at a global stage is largely due to the way Americans do business internationally. Huge corporations are expanding into other countries so that they can produce their goods locally and make massive amounts of money off of it. Some of these companies include Coca-Cola, McDonalds, and Lays. For example, Lay’s the smallest of these companies, is looking to expand into many countries to make a profit. Al Bru of Frito-Lay North America demonstrates this mentality when he said “Every time I hear about China, I think for the next hundred years we can have double-digit growth” (Jennings, 101). These kinds of decisions end up “Americanizing” businesses and they in turn expand their profits which drives them to expand even more. These businesses are clever and generally sell the same exact thing as they do everywhere else, but each different place has its own local twist to it (Week 13 Blog). While this may be helpful to large corporations, this does not help local …show more content…
Some people love us, some people hate us. We like to think of ourselves as a country who works for the benefit of the world. We are kind of like a global police as shown in the (W12 blog). In As Seen on TV, Nixon tries to show how freedom of choice is better than whatever Russia had. They used examples such as the “robotic kitchen” which could be operated by a TV-like computer Russia retorted that anything the American’s had the Russians could have as well (Marling, 275-277). We try to follow this concept by promoting democracy every way we can. Again, some people hate us for it, and some love