Part A
Question 1
The firm’s external environment is challenging and complex. Because of the external environment’s effect on performance, the firm must develop the skills required to identify opportunities and threats existing in that environment.
The general environment is composed of dimensions in broader society that influence an industry and the firms within it. We group these dimensions into seven environmental segments that they are demographic, economic, political/legal, social cultural, technological, global, and physical.
1. The Demographic Segment included population size, age structure, geographic distribution, ethnic mix, and income distribution.
2. The Economic Segment included inflation rates, interest rates, trade deficits or surpluses, budget deficits or surpluses, personal savings rate, business savings rates and gross domestic product.
3. The Political/Legal Segment included antitrust laws, taxation laws, deregulation philosophies, labor training laws, educational philosophies and policies.
4. The social cultural Segment included women in the workplace, workforce diversity, attitudes about quality of work life, concerns about environment, shifts in work and career preferences, as we;; as shifts in product and service preferences.
5. The Technological Segment included product innovations, applications of knowledge, focus of private and government-supported R&D expenditures, as well as new communication technologies.
6. The Global Segment included important political events, critical global markets, newly industrialized countries, as well as different cultural and institutional attributes.
7. The Physical Segment included energy consumption, practices used to develop energy sources, renewable energy efforts, minimizing a firm's environmental footprint, availability of water as a resource, and producing environmentally friendly products.
For each segment, the firm wants to determine the strategic