
Google Term Paper

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Google Term Paper
The Internet is one of the most important inventions of our time. It began to revolutionize the way people operated and communicated in everyday life. This paved a path for new companies to emerge and become some of the most powerful companies in today’s economy. Google is a prime example of how this new age made it, the way it is today. It is a thriving company and known as the best search engine in the computing world. If not for Google, the search engine would not be the way it is today, which makes the Internet more efficient and user-friendly. The region where more than 4,000 high-tech industries got their start and still operate today was Silicon Valley. Many of these startup companies were Apple, Yahoo!, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco Systems, Adobe, eBay, and Google. So what better place was there for two young prodigies with an immense interest in computers than to meet in Silicon Valley? The first meeting of these two actually took in March 1995 during a tour of San Francisco that Stanford had arranged for prospective graduate students in computer science. Sergey Brin, who had already spent a year in the graduate program, was acting as a tour guide for the group. Larry Page, who had been accepted into the Stanford program but had not decided whether to accept, was making a weekend visit to the university. After the first meeting, the two were not particularly fond of each other, but then again they were both used to being the only brilliant mind in a group. But they were obviously meant to discover each other because no two other people could have produced a more successful search engine. Brin got his first computer at the age of 9. He was simply a genius. He finished high school and was already enrolled at the University of Maryland by the age of 16. When Page met Brin in 1995, he was already in his second year of his doctoral degree and would later “ace” all of his doctoral exams on his first try. Page was also a very bright child; at a young

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