November 14, 2012
“The Gospel of Luke RP”
Knowledge was power back around 80-90 ce when Luke was written. Some say knowledge is power in this day and age, but don’t forget about it’s who you know as well. How do you define what power is? Well, Luke was a physician, able to speak the Greek language efficiently and effectively, and his vocabulary was as deep as an officers’ on a submarine. Luke is the only non-Jewish Gospel author to introduce his work with a formal statement of purpose. Knowledge intrigues me and I believe that Luke understood what Jesus wanted to put out, even though he never met Jesus. Luke repeatedly emphasizes the importance of Jesus’ movements from Galilee to Jerusalem, by writing ten full chapters. For some reason this was very important for Luke to write so much on Jesus’ journeys. Maybe it was so there could be record of what Jesus was doing at that time. In the writings it says that Jesus would send messengers into the towns that they would be entering before getting to Jerusalem. If the people did not except the messengers they would simply go to another town and not waste their time on the people who did not care. Luke 9:57 as they were walking along the road, a man said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go." 58 Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." This really made me think about what Luke wrote about what Jesus had said to the man. After reading it over and over I believe that what he was trying to put out was this, they have nothing to lose or a permanent place to stay so follow me if you want, and we will never give up. Out of the Four Gospels, Luke is the kindest to women. Luke makes it clear that women play key roles in fulfilling the divine plan. I can’t figure out why the other Gospels wouldn’t be equally as polite to women. Jesus accepted them as his disciples and the Galilean women on their way to Jerusalem financially