Why was it necessary? This was not the usual route, but scripture says it was necessary to go thru Samaria. Jesus could have easily chosen to take the most traveled path around the darkness and have a comfortable journey to Galilee.
This story shows us that God isn't asking us to take the safe routes and detour the darkness.
God's Glory thrives where the darkness resides, and Jesus following Gods leading into Samaria is the perfect illustration.
The Father's business is to save souls by going to the areas no one else would think to venture and Jesus knew this.
Walking in obedience, Jesus comes upon a divine appointment and radically speaks to the Samaritan woman.
In order to shake the foundation …show more content…
Living only for the Lord's approval. Letting him lead our light into the darkest corners to burn brightly.
The woman at the well ran into the town with her excitement bursting forth with the new revelation. She was now a revivalist and a evangelist for Jesus.
This is what radical love does. It brings hope, and excitement to those that are hopeless. And in turn, they become a fire for Jesus!
There are so many undiscovered gems. Pastors, evangelist, teachers, and prophets just stuck in the darkness that are unaware of the Truth. Held down by the chains of the enemy's counterfeit snares. These souls are waiting to be saved and the Holy Spirit is saying that it is time to move.
It is time to start taking our lamps out of the safety of the church and go as one body into the crevices of the world. His children are crying out, groaning for freedom. Our lamps were never lit so that they could be hidden under a basket.
Church, throw off the baskets and run full force into the mission fields.
The field is white for the picking. There are souls ready for