What joint problems can uric acid cause?
The only joint problem related to high blood uric acid level is “Gout”
Symptoms of Gout are episodes of severe pain, redness and swelling at the base of the great toe (Image). It can involve different joints in the foot and occasionally ankles and knees. The episode starts with severe pain in great toe base that increases rapidly within first 12-hours to maximum intensity. Pain and swelling that subsides gradually over a week or two, leaving behind the almost normal joint.
In addition to joint problems, high uric acid is …show more content…
There is a wrong concept among doctors and public, that Gout patients should not take vegetarian protein diet for example pulses and whole grains. Uric acid and arthritis have nothing to do with high protein diet. Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism and not protein.
Diet to be avoided by patients with high uric acid and gout are
Non-vegetarian diet for example red meat, liver, and kidney, artificially sweetened soda drinks and excessive alcohol intake. Most of the western literature recommends taking more of vegetarian sources of proteins, as they are low in purine. Increasing milk and milk products in the diet decreases blood uric acid.
What if I don’t take any treatment for Gout?
In the absence of appropriate treatment and care, over months to years, uric acid crystals get deposited in joints and can damage them forever. They can also get deposited below skin leading to multiple swellings in the body, medically termed as Tophaceous