If the government did not strict laws against purchasing a gun here in Malaysia, national security may be at risk. Example, when a rebellion happens or a riot; these people would have guns giving them more power. Imagine people running around with guns threatening people to have their way. Even when a small tension builds up, with possession of a gun, it is likely the situation will turn out to be a shoot-out. A shoot-out will harm innocent citizen who just so happened to be there. A gun makes it easier for one to take a life, therefore with strict laws gun laws it makes it harder for the criminals and citizens to own a gun.
Statistic shows that Malaysia has a near zero or none at all rate, relating to gun violence or murder with firearms because of its strict laws. Many think that by having a gun with them would be safer, but what about those who wish to hurt? If Malaysia made it easier for people to get a gun; it is safe to say many
Bibliography: Internet 1. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_wit_fir-crime-murders-with-firearms Statistics of crime with firearms of countries 2. http://scottthong.wordpress.com/2007/04/19/on-gun-controls-five-scenarios/ Views on gun control 3. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/10/02/america/NA_GEN_US_School_Shootings.php List of some fatal shootings in U.S