Most people who own guns, are the legal owners of that weapon (“Kates”1). Other countries and some states in the United States that restrict gun laws have more murders than places that do not have gun laws (“Guns in”3). In the United Kingdom they banned handguns in 1997. Since then, the attack and crime rate went up 77%. This is equivalent to two attacks every two minutes. (“Guns in”3). This is further evidence that guns are not just for killing, guns are for …show more content…
If people help the youth from escaping violent encounters by talking to others, there may be no need for an attack on gun violence (“Six Proven 13). If the police and principals show how to negotiate, they will have a higher chance of escaping a situation and not using a gun instead (“Six Proven 13”). Most youth who commits a crime are drop-outs. A way to stop this is to raise the age for a youth to drop. This will stop the amount of juveniles in America (“Six Proven 10”). Increasing school time is also a way to stop early juveniles. They can get all the information they need in a school day before they drop out (“Six Proven 12”). By doing this in the school systems, the youth can get all the education they need to provide themselves the right