PPA601 Foundation of Public Administration
Leah Raby
November 1, 2013
Federal and State Government The current public policy issue that will be identified in the course of this paper causing a great deal of controversy in the news today is marijuana. Depending in what state one is living currently in the United States, will depend on what type of consequences if any a person might be facing if caught possessing it. The federal government defines it to be illegal, in some states it has become legal to use, it can be used recreationally and in other states one will be required to have a script indicating a medical license to consume it for the use of medicating an illness. Currently we are experiencing a government shutdown because congress cannot agree on the fiscal budget proposed by the President. Yet, millions will be used to combat the fight the war on drugs at a federal level, while those same states will receive millions to fight what they have found to be acceptable in their states. It is so alarming how they are will to allocate trillions of dollars for the eradication of marijuana, but cannot agree on health coverage for all Americans. Officially the federal government entered its first day of shut down. But on a federal level none of these twenty states will stop receiving the monies to fight the war on drugs. The use of the marijuana campaign or the war on drugs which has been funded mostly using the incremental budgeting model where the monies just continue to flow no real questions asked, again; "Incremental budgeting takes the budget base as a given, thus leaving the agency to concentrate on (1) defending the base from cuts, (2) increasing the base by spending more on existing programs, and (3) expanding the base by adding new programs (Cropf 2008). Controversial indeed that the following twenty states have legalized the medical use of marijuana;
“Laws, Fees, and
References: Broker, E. (2013, May 8). Cannbis: A World of Controvsery. Retrieved from ATrain Education Marijuana for Medical Use. Retrieved on October 1, 2013 from: https://www.atrainceu.com/ Cropf, R. (2008). American public administration: public service for the 21st century (1st ed.) . New York, NY: : Pearson Longman. Ferraiolo, K. (2007). From Killer Weed to Popular Medicine: The Evolution of American Drug Control Policy, 1937-2000. . Journal Of Policy History, 19(2), 147-179. Retrieve on October 1, 2013 from, http://www.Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost . ProCon.org. (2013, 10 1). Founding Fathers on Religion in Government. ProCon.org. Retrieved on October 1, 2013, from . Retrieved from ProCon.org.: http://undergod.procon.org/viewresource.asp?resourceID=70 Russo, K. J., & Pryor, D. V. (2013, 10 1). Medical marijuana and the workplace. . Rock Products, 116(9), 42-43. Retrieved on October 1, 2013, p. http://search.proquest.com/docview/1432905281?accountid=32521.