First, the government in this society controls the people through soma. First, one example is that people use soma to help them calm down when they start to become emotional. Lenina is a frequent user of soma along with all the other people in this society. Whenever …show more content…
To start off, the government uses conditioning to control their actions. Beginning when they are babies, the World State begins to condition them. They teach them what they should do and how they should do it. They condition the people to stay busy and always be with their community. The government wants its people to be involved in activities that either cause them to spend money or that are promiscuous. They want their people to think they are happy so they keep them busy doing things at all times and help them feel a lot of pleasure. Moreover, the World State controls their beliefs. The people of this society listen to hypnopedia when they sleep which is basically phrases said over and over again until it becomes what they actually think. They become so hypnotized they can not think for themselves anymore. They instantly think of these beliefs when something arises and thinks exactly what the government has conditioned them to think. Lastly, the government controls the people through conditioning by making them like and dislike certain things. In this quote, the Director is speaking to a group of people that are going to be working in the Hatchery and Conditioning Center. He is giving them a tour and is showing them how they condition babies to dislike nature and books by showing roses and books to them and then shocking them when they touch or interact with the objects. This causes them to associate pain