Section 1
1. There shall be a commission on elections composed of a chairman and six commissioners who shall be natural – born citizens of the Philippines and, at the time of their appointment, at least thirty- five years of age, holders of a college degree, and must not have been candidates for any elective position in the immediately preceding elections. However, a majority thereof, including the chairman, shall be member of the Philippine bar who have been engaged in the practice of law for at least ten years. 2. The chairman and the commissioners shall be appointed by the president with th consent of the commission on appointments for a term of seven years without reappointment. Of those first appointed, three members shall hold office for seven years, two members for five years, and the last members for three years, without reappointment. Appointment to any vacancy shall be only for the unexpired term of the predecessor. In no case shall any member be appointed or designated in a temporary or acting capacity.
Composition of the Commission on Elections
It is composed of a chairman and six commissioners. The 1973
Constitution increased the membership from three in the 1935 charter to nine on the theory that it would make it more difficult for the commission to become the captive of any political party or group or any person who might be interested in the commission deciding or taking action one way or the other.
Qualifications of Members
1. They must be natural-born citizens of the Philippines; 2. They must be at least thirty-five years of age at the time of their appointment; 3. They may be at least holders of a college degree; 4. They must not have been candidates for any elective position in the immediately preceding elections.
Appointment and terms of office
The chairman and the commissioners are appointed by the president with the consent of the omission on appointments for a term of seven years