Robert Hernandez
English 102
Research paper
Grading Scale Anyone who has attended a high school or college will readily say that one of the most stressful aspects of the entire experience is grades. Students will loose hours of sleep per night poring over textbooks, clutching a pen in one hand and a mug of Starbucks coffee in the other. They soon foster an obsession with achieving and maintaining perfect grades to the point where anything that earns less than "A" is a disgusting failure. The lengths students go to in hopes of attaining good grades is maximal, often including the exchange of cash or sexual favors with their superiors for changed grades! It had been postulated that instructors are more likely to raise the grade of an attractive, tearful student than with the same plea whose looks might not be up to the same standard as their peers (Perlmutter, 2004). But why is there an unhealthy fixation on these letters and point values? Why is the siren 's call of the almighty "A" so strong that anything less is a monstrous travesty? On the other end of the spectrum, why is a "D" considered a passing grade when "C" is looked upon as just ok or "average?" The teachers themselves are even penalized for their methods of grading.
Grading Scale 3
Some are attacked for grading too harshly because the school needs to maintain a certain amount of passing students. The teachers are told to change and doctor the grades so that the students will pass (Mehta, 2005)! Oftentimes students will storm their instructor 's office at the end of the quarter to ask for extra credit when lost scholarships and credits loom on the horizon (Slay Jr., 2005). Not only this, but many people argue that the grading system itself is unbalanced and they have taken steps to readjust it. Many would assert that grades are necessary for students to produce their best quality work, but I would argue that grades are the cause of unhealthy habits and excessive stress in
Cited: Clayton, Richard (1999 Aug 6). "Pop Quiz: Does More Sleep Equal Better Grades?". Columbian, p. a1. "CC Coach Admits Altering Grades to Help Players" "Deadline Nears for Some to Drop Grades From Middle School". (2005 Apr 7). Washington Post, p. T6. Ellin, Abbey (1999 Aug 1). "Eyes Wide Shut. New York Times, p. 4A.25. (2005)."Florida Memorial Workers Accused of Changing Grades For Cash, Sex.". Diverse Issues in Higher Education. 10-11. Mathews , Jay (2005 Jun 14) Pelstein, Linda (2004 Sept 6). "Montgomery Teachers Question Grade Scale". Washington Post, p. B1. Siegel , Barry (1987 May 31) Slay Jr., Jack (2005)."No Extra Credit For You.". Chronicle of Higher Education Washington. C2-C3.