Bressette, Andrew. "Arguments for Plus/Minus Grading: A Case Study." Educational Research Quarterly. 25.3 (2002): 29-31. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. < 465ba- 0717-402d-bcff-06212266c5df@sessionmgr12&vid=4&hid=20>.
Andrew Bressette, associate provost and associate professor of organic chemistry at Berry College in Georgia for 14 years, has facilitated a numerous amount of workshops throughout the country and served as a consultant to many individuals seeking to implement active learning. He involves himself in a case study primarily focused on the arguments and policies for the plus/minus grading system. He proposes benefits such as reduced grade inflation, better differentiation among students, increased student motivation, and enhanced imagery of grades.
Dixon, H. E. & Bates, H. L. (1999). Student and Faculty Perceptions of the Impact of Plus/Minus Grading: A Management Department Perspective. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 10 (1),23-33.
Harriot Dixon, an Adjunct professor at Troy University in Montgomery, Alabama, is an expert in the department of kinesiology and health promotion. He writes a journal article on the student and faculty perspectives of the newly implemented plus/minus grading system and introduces a various amount of perceptions to the transition’s impact.
Frank, Michael. "Plus/minus Grading: A Within Instructor Comparison." EBSCO Industries, Inc.. 40.4 (2006): 852-856. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. < 0717- 402d-bcff- 06212266c5df@sessionmgr12&hid=20&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZz Y29wZT1zaXRl>
Frank Michael, a within instructor for three semesters, writes an academic journal article on his analysis of grading practices in order to observe the effects of the implementation of the plus/minus grading system. He discovers information
Bibliography: Bressette, Andrew. "Arguments for Plus/Minus Grading: A Case Study." Educational Research Quarterly. 25.3 (2002): 29-31. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. < 465ba- 0717-402d-bcff-06212266c5df@sessionmgr12&vid=4&hid=20>. Andrew Bressette, associate provost and associate professor of organic chemistry at Berry College in Georgia for 14 years, has facilitated a numerous amount of workshops throughout the country and served as a consultant to many individuals seeking to implement active learning. He involves himself in a case study primarily focused on the arguments and policies for the plus/minus grading system. He proposes benefits such as reduced grade inflation, better differentiation among students, increased student motivation, and enhanced imagery of grades. Dixon, H. E. & Bates, H. L. (1999). Student and Faculty Perceptions of the Impact of Plus/Minus Grading: A Management Department Perspective. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 10 (1),23-33. Harriot Dixon, an Adjunct professor at Troy University in Montgomery, Alabama, is an expert in the department of kinesiology and health promotion. He writes a journal article on the student and faculty perspectives of the newly implemented plus/minus grading system and introduces a various amount of perceptions to the transition’s impact. Frank, Michael. "Plus/minus Grading: A Within Instructor Comparison." EBSCO Industries, Inc.. 40.4 (2006): 852-856. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. < 0717- 402d-bcff- 06212266c5df@sessionmgr12&hid=20&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZz Y29wZT1zaXRl> Frank Michael, a within instructor for three semesters, writes an academic journal article on his analysis of grading practices in order to observe the effects of the implementation of the plus/minus grading system. He discovers information through educational analysis, psychological student evaluation, and scholastic influences. McClure, James. "Plus/minus Grading and Motivation: An Empirical Study of Student Choice and Motivation." Assessment and Evaluation of Higher Education. 30.6 (2005): 571-572. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. < 0717- 402d-bcff 06212266c5df@sessionmgr12&hid=20&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZz Y29wZT1zaXRl> James E. McClure, an Economics professor at Ball State University, primarily focuses his research on microeconomics. He performs an empirical student of student choice and motivation caused by the plus/minus grading system. McClure introduces the possibility that student motivation may be impacted by the system and analyzes data that includes student characteristics, student performance, and student choices. Worster, Larry. "Plus/minus Grading Good for Faculty and Students." The Metropolitan. N.p., 24 Feb. 2011. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. < students/>. Larry Worster, a music professor and faculty senate vice president at Metropolitan State College of Denver for 10 years, believes that education is the most important activity for human kind. He publishes an academic journal article relating to the plus/minus grading system and the impacts that it has on different faculty and students in different ways.