CTU Online
Professor Melinda Swigart
Phase 1 DB 2
April 10, 2013
Barb Hurst
When talking about research methodology is defined as a collective term, which means that it’s a structured process for conducting research. There are different types of research methodologies; each type is used for a different type of research. Most times research methodologies are most used to test hypotheses and theories. There is a part of it that is going to concentrate on how the research is conducted. This step is the study design which all involves data from questionnaires, information collected from interviews and experiments. Once all the information is gathered it’s going to then me analyzed and match the results
Qualitative Research Method
This method can be used to measure a y data that’s been collected at some point in time during a research project or even during an experiment which involves specific theories and hypotheses. There is a variety of qualitative methods and each one goes with a specific purpose. And that is going to be determined by the person‘s field of study or theory. Sometimes it takes more than one method, to collect the data.
Qualitative is defined as “relating to, or measuring by the quality of something of something instead of the quantity” ( This method is mostly used when a person wants to evaluate from within the context of social development. This is going to give the researcher the chance to take a closer look of an area of study, at the same time it’s going to either prove or disapprove the theory. This type of method is going to give plenty of detailed information. The researcher is going to have to pay attention to the information, because it’s going to come back in a random order. But, because the information is very detailed, this is going to allow the person doing the research, to create more correct conclusions for the study that is being done. Since this
References: Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Viewed at the Philadelphia Public Library on April 8, 2013 Quantitative and Qualitative Research;