I'm sorry that you aren't doing well. Hang in there and things will get better.
I continue, and will not cease, to pray for you everyday to receive the deliverance from alcohol that was provided for you when Christ died on the cross; and, the restoration that will come for all the years that alcohol has taken from you.
First of all, you know there is no way I could ever move to California, especially after the fiasco in Colorado. Secondly, the fact that you only call me from work or the hotel speaks volumes. I know you said that you don't have a cell phone. However, we both know that, obviously, you now have a phone that is on Beth's plan. Bless her heart, what a futile attempt at keeping tabs on everything you do. It's not
like you can't get another cell phone that she doesn't know anything about (I believe you've done that before), call from work (as you do now - and I'm sure it isn't just to me), lie about where you go and what you do. God knows she can't be with you twenty-four hours a day. Even if she could, who wants to live their life constantly worrying about what someone else is doing? What a miserable existence that would be
I know you're healing is coming, Andy. In the words of Winston Churchill, "never, never, never give up!".
Love always,