
grameen model

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grameen model

I want to thank God before anyone or anything for been able to write this report, for giving me the knowledge and understanding on how to do it. I am also grateful to all those who have helped me directly and/or indirectly in preparing this report.
I dedicate this report to my beloved mom (FaustaNdakidemi) who inspired me to go through all of these and gave me all the support I needed.
I thank my family my sister Dr.ElithaMrema, my two brothers GoodluckMrema and FurahaMrema for their support and kind help when I was stacked in different ways.
Also I thank my uncle Dr. Patrick Ndakidemi who was there all the time to provide his guidance whenever I was wrong and adding some of missing things in my report writing. I thank David Mutabazi who provided many incentives and encouraged me that I shouldn’t give up or get tired on it no matter how difficult it is.
Without forgetting the whole management of Presidential Trust Fund (PTF) Dar es salaam head office for their moral support and for accepting me to work together with them, during all these time that I have stayed I learnt lots of things professional wise and non professional wise. First I want to thank chief executive officer Mrs. Marry Likwelile, chief accountant Mrs. HusnaMaghembe, Operational Marketing Manaager Mr. Martin Khamsin, accounting department staffs under supervision of Mr. Michael Mwita and all PTF staffs who I cannot mention them all but I am thankful to them for their help.
Most of all I am very grateful and have many sincere thanks to my supervisor Mr. E.S.Malubi for the great support and guidance in this report, I can say all possible efforts have been made because of his support and help all the time when I needed any assistance. I firmly believe that anyone can do the impossible with the help of God and support from people, at first I thought I wouldn’t be able to do it but with those two major things now everybody can see that those thoughts were wrong.

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