1- Introduction
2- Participatory Governance
2-1 Participation
2-2 Cornwall’s Definition of Participation Governance
2-3 Participatory Governance in Fragile Settings
3- The Case Study: Bangladesh
4- Conclusion
5- References
Chapter1: Introduction
Many developing countries have adopted poverty reduction strategies, but the mixed results of conventional poverty reduction strategies are disappointing. Research carried out by Merilee S. Grindle on Good Enough Governance suggests that lack of progress on the poverty front can in many cases be explained by the neglect or misunderstanding of the role of governance. Simply assuming or appealing to government commitment to poverty reduction may be both unrealistic and insufficient, and governance to be effective for poverty reduction has to include actors beyond government Hartmut
Schneider(1999). The challenge is therefore not only to address poverty reduction and governance together but also to make good governance. Participatory governance is one of the important components to constitute good governance and represents a paradigm shift which has the potential to overcome political obstacles by building and harnessing the capacities of the poor themselves for the design of more effective policies of poverty reduction. When, where and how can participation bring about transformation of institutions and sociopolitical relations that cause social exclusion, marginalization and poverty? The objective of this paper is to find out the basic requirement to achieve participatory governance, how participation governance work in fragile settings, and analyze whether participatory governance impact on the local development in
Bangladesh or not.
Chapter2: Participatory PaGovernance
2-1: Participation
Participation has historically been used both to enable ordinary people to gain agency and as a means of maintaining relations of rule. Participation by both men and
women is a key
References: ・S. Aminul Islam(2006) The Predicament of Democratic Consolidation in Bangladesh ・Archon Fung Erik Olin Wright (2001) Deepening Democracy: Innovations in Empowered Participatory Governance ・Hartmut Schneider (1999)Participatory Governance: The Missing Link for Poverty Reductin ・Marjoke Oosterom (2009), Fragility at the local level-challenges to building local statecitizens relations in fragile settings ・Cornwall, A. and Schattan Coelho, V. (eds.) (2007) Spaces for change? The politics of Citizens Participation in New Democratic Arenas ・Kabeer, N. and Haq Kabir (2009) ‘Citizenship Narratives in the Absence of Good Governance: Voices of the Working ・Goetz and Jenkins (2004) Reinventing Accountability: Making Democracy Work for the Poor ・Cornwall, A. (2004) ‘Spaces of Transformation? Reflections on issues of power and difference in participation in development’ ・ J Gaventa (2004), Towards Participatory Local Governance: Assessing the transformative possibilities ・Hartmut Schneider(1999), Participatory Governance: The Missing Link for Poverty Reductin ・S.M Anowar Uddin(2010), Impact of good governance on development in Bangladesh