The lesson should be structured as follows:
30 minutes: T sets context by using a visual/realia/drawing/demonstration and elicits information about the situation of the context, the lexis that students will need in order to talk about the situation and to practise the target language. Getting students to brainstorm more ideas in pairs after initial elicitation will help to make the context setting less teacher centred. T needs to exploit the context fully in order to make students think about the concept of the target language and to avoid using the target language during context setting.
Clarification stage: once the T has set the situation and made students think about the concept, T elicits models of TL from students (models must be contextualised, i.e. taken from context) and highlights and models relevant phonological features (linking, sentence stress) and drills students (chorally and individually).
T then puts models of TL on board (positive statements, negative statements, closed questions and answers, open questions and answers) and elicits rules of form of TL from students. Rules are highlighted on board (for example, relevant features are underlined/boxed in different colour pen).
T asks concept check questions to check students understand meaning before moving on to practice stage.
Restricted practice task 1: students practise target language in restricted way. First task will require little or no manipulation of target language. For example, matching questions and answers, re-arranging words in jumbled sentences, matching half sentences, etc. T must monitor students during task and correct/help as required.
Feedback to task 1: make sure feedback is student-centred and efficient, i.e. fast.
30 minutes: T sets restricted practice task 2 to allow students further restricted practice of the target language. This needs to be slightly more challenging than the first task and require students to do a little bit more