Graphic Design
I. Thesis: Because of all its uses, graphic design has many job opportunities in and of itself.
II. Education
A. High school
1. Helpful courses to take
2. Experience and getting involved
B. College
1. A year of basic art and design courses are required before being accepted into the bachelor’s degree program
2. Bachelor’s Degree Program
a. Proof of artistic ability
b. Computer proficiency
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III. Job outlook
A. Salary
1. Varies from about $23,000 to $85,000+
2. Depends on your level of training
B. Artistic and creative personality is needed for this career
C. Robert Lindstorm is an example of great works by many
IV. Conclusion
Graphic design is not just one job; it’s a career that encompasses many different types of jobs. There are so many different categories of this occupation, such as advertisement, education, entertainment, journalism, and web designing and commercials. The more appealing something looks the better chance it has of selling. A graphic designer has the ability to assemble images or motion graphics to create an elaborate piece of art. For some people it comes naturally, but for others it may take a little more effort. Having a degree is not always necessary for all graphic design positions. The position one obtains depends on how experience they are and number of years they have spent in this
Cited: Eskilson, Stephen J. Graphic Design: a new history. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. "Graphic Design." About, Inc. A part of The New York Times Company, 2000. <>. 12 Feb. 2008. "Graphic Designers." Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance. 11th ed. Chicago, Illinois: Ferguson Publishing Co. 2000 “Graphic Design”. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 14 Feb. 2008 <http>. “Graphic Designers.” U.S Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. 18 Dec. 2007. 14 Feb. 2008 <>.