For so many years since I was in high school; I knew it that career that I wanted to study was graphic design. I love all the kind of things that have some relationship with the design of new things and the promotion of new ideas. I have this knowledge about the career, because I did research; for example in the Internet, books, magazines, etc. Having this information like a base, I know that this career is fundamental for everyone, because the design stays around of us, we feel it in every single moment of our life; all kind of things that we buy have a design.
In the daily duties of the graphic design; we can find some things for example, stay in connection with the new technologies and treat to understand our customers. These two things can make the difference to be successful in design. I like the idea of having to aware the new technologies; because this is one of my passions; and treat to understand the customers is something necessary to do in every work.
The salary of someone who studied graphic design is different; because it depends of the field that you are developing in this subject, the level of experience and the region where we work. For example, in the Midwest/South/Northwest the difference of salary is for at least 15 %. The good new is that graphic design is a stable career in where there always job openings for graphic artists.
It is necessary to search for a contemporary and balanced curriculum in some institution; after that we need to know how much are we to spend in this career; because it can be expensive. Something curious about the training in design is a common syllabus for graphic design education does not exist in the colleges. STC can offer some balance to the most part of the curriculums that are offer in Texas.
Someone who will study design is person that has the ability to draw, loves the typography, color and materials; with a desire to communicate through visual