In this lab, students will complete the following objectives. 1 • Create a VBScript Program using NotePad++. 2 • Learn various objects and methods used for data input. 3 • Learn various objects and methods used for the display of data.
Element K Network Connections
For this lab, we only need to connect to vlab-PC1. This is the computer on the left side. If you leave the cursor on the PC icon for a few seconds, a tool-tip message will appear indicating the hostname of the PC.
Note: All captures of Script code must be text only, DO NOT capture the NotePad++ application window. Script run to the Command Prompt or NotePad++ Console window must also Text only capture. Runs of programs that display a Desktop window required <Alt><PrtSc> to capture the output window.
Task 1: Practice using NotePad++
Before starting VBScript Input/Output lab, you should practice using NotePad++ to run and debug VBScript programs.
1. Open the NotePad++ program by double-clicking on the NotePad++ desktop icon or single-clicking on the Quick Launch bar NotePad++ icon.
2. Click on the File/Open toolbar icon (or use the File/Open menu option). Navigate to the C:\Scripts\Demos directory and select the EchoDemo.vbs program. Click the Open button.
3. The EchoDemo.vbs program should appear in NotePad++ as shown below.
* To run the program, press the <F6> function key and type cscript EchoDemo.vbs and click OK as shown below. CScript is the WSH Interpreter for running VBScript programs in a console window.
4. The program output is shown in the Built-in Console window in NotePad++. The Console window may be docked on the top, bottom, left or right side of the screen. For longer program runs, docking the console window on the right-hand side is recommended.
5. Run the program again by pressing the <F6> function key, but this time type wscript EchoDemo.vbsand