Products: AutoCAD 2011 for Mac or later
Audience: New users to 3D
Prerequisites: Working knowledge of 2D drafting
Time to complete: 15 minutes
Download the Tutorial File
Before beginning the lessons, download the tutorial.
■ Download create_basic_3d_objects_acdmac.zip from http://www.autodesk.com/autocadformac-tutorials. In This Tutorial
The lessons in this tutorial do not need to be completed in the presented order. In this tutorial, you learn how to do the following:
■ Create 3D solid primitives: box, cylinder, cone, and torus
Create simple 3D objects from 2D objects
NOTE For more information on the topics covered in this tutorial, see the product User’s Guide.
Lesson: Create 3D Solid Primitives
In this lesson, you learn how to create 3D solid primitives from the Modeling tool set.
A 3D solid primitive is a standard 3D solid objects in the shape of a box, cone, cylinder, sphere, torus, wedge, or pyramid. You can resize primitives or combine them with other objects. To create 3D solid primitives, switch to the
Modeling tool set, that contains tools to create and modify 3D solid models.
To switch to the Modeling tool set
On the Tool Sets palette, click the Tool Set button and click Modeling.
If the Tool Sets palette is not displayed, on the menu bar, click Tools menu
➤ Palettes ➤ Tool Set (or press Cmd-1).
The Modeling tool set is displayed.
Create a Box
Boxes can be rectangular or cubical.
2 | Chapter 1 Creating Basic 3D Objects
To create a box
1 In the drawing area, click the Visual Styles viewport label menu and choose Conceptual.
2 On the Tool Sets palette, click Modeling tool set ➤ Solids – Create tool group ➤ Solid Primitives flyout ➤ Box.
3 At the Specify first corner prompt, click in the drawing area to specify the box’s base point.
4 At the Specify other corner prompt, enter @8,8 to define the opposite corner and press Enter.
5 At the Specify