1) Fruit Products Order (FPO) The Fruit Products Order is concerned with fruit and vegetable products including synthetic beverages, syrups, sharbats and vinegar. The objective of this law is mainly to regulate the quality and hygiene of these products. The important labeling rule under FPO is that all labels should have the approval of the authorities concerned, and carry the license number allotted. When a bottle is used as the package, it should be so sealed that it cannot be opened without destroying the license number, and the special identification mark of the manufacturer should be displayed on the top or neck of the bottle. The batch/code number along with the date of manufacturing should also be declared. As contained in PFA, FPO also prohibits use of any statement, design or device, which is false or misleading concerning the fruit product. Synthetic products associated with fruits and vegetables should clearly be marked “SYNTHETIC” and the word, “SYNTHETIC”, whenever used, should be as bold and in the same size and colour of the letters used for the name of the product, and should immediately precede such name.
2) Meat Food Products Order (MFPO) Meat Food Products Order, similar to FPO, regulates the licensing and labeling of all meat products. All labels have got to be approved by the licensing authority, and the license number and category of manufacturer should be declared on the label. The name of the product, always a common name understood by the consumer, should be given along with net quantity. Trade names should have prior approval of the licensing authority. When any preservative or colouring agent is used, a statement to that effect should be given. When permitted artificial flavouring agent is used, the words, “Artificially Flavoured”, should appear on the label in prominent letters and in continuance of the name of the product. The list of ingredients should also be given. Terms which may bear some