To understand stereotype, you should define what it is. As Cambridge Dictionaries says, stereotype is a fixed idea that people have about what someone or something is like. No one chooses to be stereotyped or categorized under a specific title, and no one wants to be the victim of an unfair judgment. Despite those opinions, people make judgments on people they barely know. Stereotypes usually lead to incorrect predictions about a person or group. The use of stereotypes to judge another human being can cause serious harm to others. According to traditional stereotypes, men are strong and dominant. Whereas females are weak and submissive. Gender stereotypes disadvantage and discriminate against women in many places. Thus, this paper …show more content…
Those negative effects cause harm, poor performance, and even health problem. While most people realize the stereotypes are untrue, many still make assumptions based on them and unfortunately they are still considered, “the norm”
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