Everything I did I did to provide for my family. I learned later the devastating effects my practices had on the land, when the soil started to erode. This culminated into what people are calling the “dust bowl.” I can barely plant anything, and what I can plant barely ever grows. People tell me that this was only one of the reasons for the Great Depression, but the others causes just never affected me. I never had any money in stocks, as I never had enough money. I heard about the stock market crash on the radio, of course, but I thought nothing of it at first. None of those things bothered me until my crops started failing, and banks started failing. When my bank failed, my savings evaporated …show more content…
The first act he passed that caught my eye was the Agricultural Adjustment Act, I was apprehensive about it at first. It seemed strange to pay farmers not to farm, but the subsidies did help my family. What I believe was the most important thing that Roosevelt did was passing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. When my bank failed, and I lost all my savings, I was devastated. I thought of banks as trustworthy, but after that, I just couldn’t trust banks with my money anymore. The FDIC restored my trust in banks. I I have to say, I was disappointed when the supreme court found the National Industrial Recovery Act unconstitutional. While I’m a farmer, so the NRA doesn’t really apply to me, I always shopped at NRA compliant stores. I thought the act was a good attempt at ensuring that people had fair wages and fair hours. The passage of the Social Security Act really put my mind at ease. I had fears for my retirement, with my savings being wiped out and all. With Social Security, though, I knew I’d have at least something to rely