With such a limited amount of time, a monumental impact must be made for me to truly disturb the universe. When someone disturbs the universe, they semi-permanently change the course of not only their own lives, but the lives of those around them. A person’s values, such as my own, could be changed by something substantial like a civil rights rally, or melancholic news story. The universe however, is hard to alter and is only scathed “by grief” or by “catastrophe” (Fitzgerald 164) because the universe cannot and will not be shaken by foolish mundane affairs. “After all the sunsets” (Eliot 107) the universe has endured, all the planets that have come and gone, how could I personally shake the ever-unchanging façade of the universe? The answer is simply complex: “do I dare” (Eliot 51)?
The universe is such an abstract concept that it is rather difficult to fully understand, as is the human psyche. However, disturbing the universe isn’t. Disturbing the universe builds a person’s values and keeps them from falling into deep despair over what they believe they must accomplish to enjoy a “rich, full life” (Fitzgerald 149). If it is, in fact, possible to disturb a universe, I will change my ways and disturb the universe in a way that benefits the world and everyone in