On the other hand, art is such a large part of our everyday lives that we may hardly even stop to think about it. Look at the desk or table where you are, right this minute. Someone designed that. It is art. Your shoes are art. Your coffee cup is art. All functional design, well done, is art. So, you could say "Art is something that is both functional and hopefully pleasing to our eyes."
Art is everywhere you look. Just look outside… that is God’s art. He created it himself. We take pictures of it making it our art of photography.
Art means something to different to everyone, but I’m sure we can all realize how much it revolves around our lives and how important and wonderful it is.
Throughout the centuries we have become introduced to many different types of arts. Art is the expression of what is beautiful, appealing, or more than ordinarily significant. There have been many different artists who influenced it significantly and have introduced new ideas. One of those artists was Pablo Picasso. He was a wonderful man who was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century and really made a difference with the art movements. He did what he loved his entire life and I really liked that about him. He was never selfish in what he was good at and loved helping people see beauty and feel moved with emotions. He also helped other artists create different art movements