Mihir Kanti Sarkar, G.M. Faysal Ahmad
E-mail: mihircse@gmail.com, faysal_5408@yahoo.com
Abstract—We briefly discuss three issues related to the relevance and the possible impact of research in the field of green networking, with special attention to the wireless case in this paper. In this context energy efficiency is needed most.
The interplays between the ICT and energy fields are becoming stronger and stronger. On the one hand,
ICT is expected to play a key role in reducing the energy consumption is several fields, and in particular in those where most energy is spent, such as transport, buildings, and manufacturing. On the other hand, ICT is emerging as a greedy energy consumer, with a very high growth rate.
As regards the first aspect, a recent study of the ICT-ENSURE Project [1] estimated that ICT can be instrumental for a 26% reduction of the energy consumed in the transport sector, a 5-15% reduction of the energy used by buildings, and a 25-30% reduction of the energy required in manufacturing. These savings add up to 17-22% of the total energy that is consumed in all sectors [2]. Moreover, ICT is expected to significantly improve the energy generation, transport and utilization through the novel concept ofSmart Grid.
This very positive role of ICT on energy consumption also carries an energy cost, since the widespread use of ICT implies the activation of a progressively larger number of equipment, which are today estimated by the Global Action Plan to consume a fraction varying from 2 to 10% of the world power [3].
About one third of this is due to networking. Similar estimates were also obtained by other agencies, such as the Fraunhofer Institute, and ITU. While the fraction of energy consumed by ICT today is not very high, it is expected to grow rapidly, possibly doubling over the next decade [4].
In addition, the energy consumption of ICT is
References: [3] Global Action Plan, An inefficient truth, http://www.globalactionplan.org.uk/, Report, 2007.