• Two consecutive poor evaluations result in removal from command staff.
Administration would maintain control and oversight of promotions and transfers as handle under any other circumstance. In the event a person is removed from their role of command staff; administration handle the selection of filling the vacancy. The approach of anonymity would provide officers the opportunity to convey poor leadership without fear of retaliation. Establishing of policy of this nature would provide clear expectations of leadership, the desired outcome and hold those in leadership accountable for their actions. Critics may raise objections siting commanders must be able to make hard and unpopular decisions. However true the case may be, it is a naive excuse. Leadership does not imply you give in to your subordinates at every cause, rather you communicate well. Present explanation for decisions made, provide reasoning of why things have occurred in a certain manner and implement a clear channel of communication. I firmly believe officers will follow a leader boldly if the leader communicates a genuine care for the officer and competency in the