Open Campus, Jamaica Western
2A Camp Road
Kingston 4
Supervisory Management Course
Research Project Questionnaire
The objective of this Questionnaire is to determine how discipline and grievances are handled within the Collections Department of Unicomer (formerly Courts Jamaica Ltd.), if the Organization deviates from general principles in solving discipline and grievances and how the Organization can improve on the current practices based on the country's labour agreement?
Please place a tick and fill in blank where necessary.
1. How long have you been working within this organization?
Less than one year Two years and over Five years and over
2. Which age group do you fall under?
18-25 26-33 34 and over
3. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest. How emotionally comfortable are you with your work environment and why? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. How soon is a disciplinary/grievance policy and procedure guide provided to employees upon employment?
Upon arrival 2 weeks 1month Over 1 month
5. How often are grievances reported and addressed in your department?
Never Rarely Mostly
6. What is the procedure for reporting grievances?
Written complaint to supervisor Oral complaint Informal complaint with the accused Other _______________________
7. To whom are grievances normally first reported?
The Regional Manager The Department Manager The Supervisor The Human Resource Manager
8. How are grievances