The first of the formulas for the categorical imperative is the universalizability principle—“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” (Kant 30). By this principle, Kant places emphasis not on an action in and of itself, but the general rule that stands behind the act that is being considered. Further, Kant is unconcerned with the outcome of the action and his philosophy on morality is instead focused on the intention behind actions. Through this formulation, Kant’s philosophy essentially prohibits any human from making his or herself an exception to a rule that he or she would not want every other human to
The first of the formulas for the categorical imperative is the universalizability principle—“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” (Kant 30). By this principle, Kant places emphasis not on an action in and of itself, but the general rule that stands behind the act that is being considered. Further, Kant is unconcerned with the outcome of the action and his philosophy on morality is instead focused on the intention behind actions. Through this formulation, Kant’s philosophy essentially prohibits any human from making his or herself an exception to a rule that he or she would not want every other human to