any other type of antidepressant medications such as Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MOAls). Examples of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) antidepressants. Psychiatrist prescribed SSRIs to a client to assist with PTSD. Examples of the SSRLs includes; Fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil). In addition, there other medicine that will help to stop physical symptoms like nightmare such as a Buspirone Prazosin (Minipress), clonidine (Catapres), and guanfacine (Mayo clinic, Feb,2017). The therapist will evaluate Robert in each session of the therapy and towards the end to check the success of the therapy. In order to re-evaluate the client to see how he has progressed with the therapy. The therapist will use post-traumatic disorder check-list for diagnostic and statistical manual of the mental disorders fifth edition. The result received will be compared with the initial result of implementing therapy with the client. In the same way, the client will maintain an appointment to see a psychiatrist for the effectiveness of the antidepressant prescribed to him. To know when to stop the medication to avoid been addicted to the medicine. In overall, before a therapist will implement psychotherapy intervention mentioned, it is essential that a therapist be knowledgeable about the client’s culture and cultural sensitivity.
Culture is referring to a group that shared set of beliefs, norms, and values. In learning the cultural sensitivity of the client will enable the therapist to maintain social work skills of competence and to maintain work-client relationship as suggested by practice behaviors of social work cultural competence (4.2) of engaging in diversity and difference in practice such as gaining sufficient self-awareness of eliminating the influence of personal biases and values in working with diverse groups (culture counts,
2001). Garthwait (2014, p.126) indicates that culture also includes; age, gender, ethnicity, theological perspective, and personal orientations. Being aware of a client’s culture will help a therapist understand how a client presents his case in psychotherapy intervention. Each client describes their symptoms to the therapist in their cultural way of understanding the disease of post-traumatic disorder. The therapist will do thorough research about the client’s culture before engaging in psychotherapy intervention, knowing client culture will tremendously help the therapist to establish a mutual understanding with a client. For example, in the case of Robert, Robert came from a cultural background of white. Generally, white people believe that their culture is normal and superior to any other culture in the society. The therapist should recognize the unique approach of engaging the client and how to implement the intervention to the client to prevent misunderstanding especially if the therapist is not of the same ethnicity.