0-3 Months
Sucking, grasping reflexes
Lifts head when held at shoulder
Moves arms actively
Able to follow objects and to focus
Wants to have needs meet
Develop a sense of security
Smiles spontaneously and responsively
Likes movement, to be held and rocked
Laughs aloud Socialized with anyone, but knows mother, father or primary caregiver
Responds to tickling
Prefers primary caregiver
May cry when stranger approach
Commonly exhibits anxiety
Extends attachments to caregivers to the world
Demonstrate object performance; knows parents exist and will return
Vocalizes sounds (coos)
Smiles and expresses pleasure
Recognizes primary caregiver
Uses both hands to grasp objects
Has extensive visual interests
Puts everything in mouth
Solves simple problems, ex. Will move obstacles aside to reach objects
Transfers objects from hand to hand
Responds to changes in environment and can repeat action that caused it
Begins to respond selectively to words
Demonstrates intentional behavior, initiates actions
Realizes objects exist when out of sight and will look for them (object permanence)
Is interested and understands words
Says words like ―mama‖, ―dada‖
3-6 Months
Rolls over
Holds head up when held in sitting position
Lifts up knees, crawling motions
Reaches for objects
6-9 Months
Sits unaided, spends more time in upright position
Learns to crawl
Climbs stairs
Develops eye-hand coordination
9-18 Months
Achieve mobility, strong urge to climb, crawl
Stands and walks
Learn to walk on his or her own
Learns to grasp with thumb and finger
Feeds self
Transfers small objects from one hand to another
19- 36 Months
Enjoy physical activities such as running, kicking, climbing, jumping, etc.
Beginnings of bladder and bowel control towards latter part of this stage
Are increasingly able to manipulate small objects with hands
Becoming aware of