Guatemala is a part of central america and just like many of the surrounding countries, it has dealt with multiple occurrences of injustices, violations and exploitations. To paint a better picture, Guatemala being a beautiful country and known as the country of eternal spring, lacks and is rooted with scandals and multiple years of civil unrest. It is a country that values tradition but unfortunately does not appear in the media for these reasons. Guatemalans are increasingly exposed to the intrusion of foreign influences upon their way of life. The massive importation of western culture and out of country products is seen everywhere, from products in markets to …show more content…
As an article on Newsweek states, “There's a common phrase that Guatemalans say about violence in their country: En Guatemala, la vida no vale nada. In Guatemala, life is worth nothing.”. This statement still remains true and engraved in the memories of Guatemalans everywhere. During the country’s traumatizing and genocidal 36 year civil war, approximately 200,000 people were killed or “disappeared” and buried in mass graves. The worst part of this was that 83% of those killed were indigenous Maya. 93% of the human rights violations that occurred were carried out by government forces and backed by the CIA. This puts a focus on the lack of basic rights many indigenous people have despite making close to half of the country’s population. They are treated terribly and outcasted to the less popular and un toured areas of the country lacking the needs necessary to live that the more privileged people have. They lacked opportunities and became victims of the civil unrest taking place. Also, at this time there was little to no free expression for those who called for a change, regardless of their race or appearance. Liberty was only for the wealth and those with power which modified the social structure of the entire country. Even students and teachers were assassinated or disappeared, while newspaper …show more content…
Practically every country in Latin America has dealt with government corruption leading into violations against the rights of their own people. Violence and extortion by powerful criminal organizations remains a serious problem in Guatemala just like in many of its neighbouring countries. Corruption within the justice system, combined with intimidation against judges and prosecutors, contributes to high levels of impunity. Unwanted and unnecessary foreign involvement is also a large part of this issue. The SOA or School of Assassins was under the U.S Foreign Policy, and was extremely oppressive and triggered a genocide of Latin American people. The rights of people were robbed and abused as the graduates or "soldiers" of the SOA were taught deadly combat skills to be used against their own people. brings attention to the lack of government help and obvious government corruption. Major Joseph Blair, an instructor at the SOA for three years, acknowledges the faults and effect this had on the Latin American people. He tells of the SOA graduates: Roberto Viola and Leopoldo Galtieri who became part of the military dictators who orchestrated the coup in Argentina that resulted in 30,000 people being "disappeared". This situation is similar to the events that happened in the Guatemalan coup and is only one of the multiple imjustices the SOA has done. SOA