These mandatory guidelines are provided for preparation of short article or essay accepted for submission of assignment. These guidelines are issued to ensure standard and uniformity. To assure timely and efficient assessment of your submission, you must present your work in strict conformance with these guidelines. Any submission that does not conform to the specified requirements will be omitted. Your work will be accepted and marked provided they arrive by the due date and they correspond to these guidelines. Your submission should be delivered in printed form in page of A4 paper size with 2cm length of all margins, i.e. top, bottom, left, right. The submitted short article must consist of 150 words and cannot be more than 300 words. The writing should have the following structure:
1. Title of the article.
2. Author and affiliation, including email address.
3. Introduction – consisting of aims and purposes, i.e. what the short article is intended for.
4. Method – consisting of work sequence, tools, and computation, i.e. how the aim is achieved.
5. Conclusion – consisting of results and concluding description, i.e. what are the resulting findings.
6. References (optional).
Your short article must be compiled in one column. All text should be single-spaced and justified. The font type Times New Roman with a size of 10 points is to be used for title, author, affiliation, email, and all texts. The title should appear centred in capital letters, at the top of the page and followed by blank line. Type the author name (in bold), affiliation, and e-mail (in italics) in upper and lower case centred under the title. Type text single-spaced, with one blank line between paragraphs. Figures and tables must be placed in the appropriate location and they must be captioned and numbered consecutively, e.g. Figure 1, Table 2. Multiple figures may appear in a single line identified by alphabetical notation, e.g. (a), (b), (c), provided they fall
References: should be cited in the text (e.g. Poerbandono & Djunarsjah, 2005) and listed in alphabetical order in the reference section. Reference: Smith, J. (1987). Close range photogrammetry for analyzing distressed trees. Photogrammetria 42(1), pp 47-56. From Books: Poerbandono & Djunarsjah, E. (2005). Survei Hidrografi. Refika Aditama, Bandung, 189pp. From Websites: Moons, T. (1997). 3D Reconstruction and Modeling of Topographic Objects. Report on the Joint ISPRS Commission III/IV Workshop, Stuttgart, Germany. (accessed 26 September 2013).